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Facilco Celebrates its 4th Birthday After A Fantastic Year!

What an exciting month July turned out to be! Like the rest of England, we couldn’t contain our excitement at reaching the final in the Euro’s, what an achievement for our football team to get so far in the competition! How refreshing and inspiring after the last 18 months, its just what we needed to keep us all going.

The Olympics has been just fantastic too, we don’t know about you but watching sport and seeing our fellow citizens do so well, really inspires us to try our best too!

July is always a busy month for us because it’s our financial year end and a time to really knuckle down and focus on where are now and where we want to progress the business.

This July we celebrated our 4th year of operating in the construction industry since our Chief Executive began with just one site! We are so proud of all we have achieved and are bubbling with excitement at what the future has in store for our business.

We enjoyed a full week of celebrations with lunches, cake and lots of balloons involved. If you haven’t already seen all the birthday well wishes, check our social pages to see what we got up to!


To mark the occasion, we organised a morning photo shoot and a local drone photographer to capture the whole team, fleet and all and we were extremely impressed with the results! We look forward to using Lancashire Drones & Photography capturing more footage throughout the year.

We’ve welcomed new additions to the team with operatives, James, Todd & Eduardo joining the Facilco family. The new team join us just in time to help with our ever-expanding customer list, we’ve been doing our first class builders & sparkle cleans for customers; Lovell, Castle Green Homes, Bellway, Elan, Kingswood, Redrow, Plumlife and Linden Homes, to name a few!

One site that we really pulled out all the stops for was Casey’s project in Prestwich, we arrived to multiple plot cleans, and our team, headed by Quality Control Director, Ruth were able to meet the tough demands on this job.

It really has been a fantastic July, all we need now is the stunning weather to return for the rest of the summer!

Don’t forget you can keep up with all we do on our social pages; Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter!

Thanks for reading.

The Facilco Team
