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October Brings Record Number of Tenders for Facilco!

Phew what a month October turned out to be! As we all adjusted to the introduction of working within the governments tiered categories on most of our sites, we find ourselves heading into another National lockdown!

On a positive note, we have had a record month of tender’s received in October, showing the construction market is in full swing again after the slow down, following closures in March. We are feeling extremely grateful that Construction is being allowed to continue in this new lockdown.

We have welcomed new customers, winning contracts with Walter Carefoot & Sons and two projects awarded with Watson Homes.

We have been developing our show home cleaning section of the business, with some really good results so far. Securing contracts with both Vistry and Redrow this month, we will be cleaning their show homes on a twice weekly basis and making sure the properties are looking their absolute best for new buyers.

It is not surprising with the current pandemic seemingly getting worse in certain areas, our customers are utilising our staff welfare cleaning service, to protect their teams whilst working on site.

We have seen a big uptake of this service that offers deep, disinfecting cleaning in areas such as staff toilets, break out areas, induction rooms and equipment cleans. We are very proud of this service and gain satisfaction of knowing we are helping to fight this pandemic is some small way.

Normal service continued with builders and sparkle cleans for customers Countryside at Ellesmere Port, Countryside Deeside and Redrow Chester. We also did the sparkle cleans on some of the David Wilson Homes in Wilmslow and builders cleans for Taylor Wimpey in Chester and Stewart Milnes project in Hooton! Phew.

We are busy bee’s and have had the pleasure of adding to our fleet of cars with 2 more new additions, this means our team can spread even further throughout the North West!

A new Supervisor has joined us, Michael comes from another build cleaning company and has slotted in with the team seamlessly!

As we head into November and the uncertainty another lockdown brings, we are determined to stay positive and focused on winning contracts whilst providing the very best service, in both cleaning and customer service.

We will do all this whilst following Covid guidelines and keeping our teams and customers as safe as possible.

Good luck to all our readers for the next four weeks, we hope you keep safe and well.


The Facilco team